Saturday, October 6, 2007


Finally, an update.

Nothing too grand, but SUCCESS has put up a survey for fans of the previous game to fill out. You can fill out the survey here. Of course, most of you probably cannot read Japanese. So, I've taken the liberty of translating the questions to the best of my ability. Knowing the entire hiragana alphabet can only take you so far.

1. Who many people did you play with in the last game?
A. 1 Person
B. 2 People
C. 3 People
D. 4 People

2. When you played the last game, how many COM opponents did you play against?
A. 1 Organization (Only NJW)
B. 2 Organizations (NJW + 1 Organization)
C. 3 Organization (NJW + 2 Organization)
D. 4 Organization (NJW + 3 Organization)

3. How many years did you play your last game?
A. 1-5 Years
B. 5-10 Years
C. 10-20 Years
D. 20-50 Years
E. 50 Years or more

4. Which prefecture did you base your headquarters at?
A. Your hometown (Keep in mind this game is supposed to be played by WHO LIVE IN JAPAN)
B. Your current residence
C. The hometown of your favorite character
D. Random

5. When recruiting/scouting a new wrestler, what did you take into consideration?
A. One's preference
B. The strength (nature) of the wrestler
C. Having an event (Cutscene)
D. 1P color or 2P color (Prefering one version to a character over another)
E. You hire the first person you find

6. Which command do you use to find new wrestlers?
A. Newcomer Test
B. Newcomer Scout
C. Transfer Negotiation

7. Which level did you invest into your hall equipment? (Size of the venues you can run)
A. LEVEL1 (holding up to 3,000 people)
B. LEVEL2 (holding up to 5,000 people)
C. LEVEL3 (holding up to 10,000 people)
D. LEVEL4 (maximum)

8. Which level did you invest into your wrestler lodgings? (Amount of wrestlers you can employ)
A. LEVEL1 (Up to eight wrestlers)
B. LEVEL2 (Up to ten wrestlers)
C. LEVEL3 (Up to twelve wrestlers)
D. LEVEL4 (Up to fourteen wrestlers)
E. LEVEL5 (Up to sixteen wrestlers)

9. Which level did you invest into your gym equipment? (Amount of coaches you can employ)
A. LEVEL1 (Two coaches)
B. LEVEL2 (Three coaches)
C. LEVEL3 (Four coaches)
D. LEVEL5 (Four coaches)

10. Which level did you invest into moving vehicles?

11. Which level did you invest into your company building?

12. How many goods shops did you open?
A. Zero
B. 1-10 shops
C. 11-20 shops
D. 21-30 shops
E. 31-40 shops
F. 40 shops or more

13. Did you tie up more with overseas organizations, or oversea free wrestlers?
A. Overseas Organization
B. Oversea Free Wrestlers

14. When tying up with an overseas organization, how many did you tie up with?
A. Zero
B. One Organization
C. Two Organizations
D. Three Organizations
E. Four Organizations
F. Five Organizations
G. Six Organizations

15. How many coaches did you employ simultaneously?
A. Zero coaches
B. One coach
C. Two coaches
D. Three coaches
E. Four coaches
F. Five coaches

16. How frequently did you have a conversation with a wrestler in the gym?
A. Every month
B. Once every few months
C. Once a year
D. Almost never

17. How difficult was the Management mode?
A. Low difficulty
B. Normal difficulty
C. High difficulty

18. How difficult was training?
A. Low difficulty
B. Normal difficulty
C. High difficulty

19. At what point are you ready to push the reset button?
A. When a wrestler is injured
B. When special training fails
C. When a wrestler transfers to another organization
D. When an important match is lost
E. When a thief steals your money
F. When a vacation is held, but no event happens

20. What are you looking for in this sequel the most?
A. The addition of more wrestling moves/holds
B. Correction of the wrestler's natures (I guess making them more balanced and flexible?)
C. Additional events added to wrestlers
D. More freedom in the upbringing of a wrestler
E. Improved match making interface
F. Improved interface in areas other than match making
G. Shortened save/load times

21. If there are lines (of dialog) from the previous game you want to see in the sequel, please enter them.
Character Name:
Words and Situation:

22. (Unsual about this question. I believe it's asking which artist you like that you want to see design characters for WAS2.)
Artist Name:
Artist URL:

1 comment:

The Rooster said...

God I wish I could read Japanese. I have a copy of the game and have been doing pretty good in random exhibitions but Management just stumps me at every turn.